WISDOM to take the best decisions deep below ground

WISDOM (Well Integrity System for Design Operation and Maintenance) is a state of the art Artificial Intelligence solution, helping engineers manage well integrity with confidence, safety and reducing operational costs.

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Partnership with Petrobras

Solution being utilized for decision making in the largest oil company in Brazil following a joint development effort between WIKKI and Petrobras.


How WISDOM helps Well Integrity Management

Through innovative models we tackle the primary challenges in Well Integrity.

Reducing Operational Costs

Reducing Operational Costs

Interventions pose high financial costs which must be planned. In the Brazilian pre-salt, an intervention in the Búzios field costed approximately 200M USD. Better planning is key to reduce costs. Save millions in OPEX with more accurate models for barrier failure risks.

Preventing Catastrophes

Preventing Catastrophes

Catastrophes cost immeasurable loss of life and environmental damage. Our priority is developing models that ensure the highest standards of safety.

Minimizing Lost Revenue

Minimizing Lost Revenue

Poorly planned interventions cause increased periods of well downtime, which delay millions in revenue. Our expertise lets you plan maintenance purchases ahead and keep production downtime at a minimum through WISDOM.

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Save millions in Intervention Costs

With our AI Expertise and advanced solutions, interventions happen when they need to, reducing production losses while keeping safety standards as high as they can be.

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Innovative AI solutions with models that better predict failure risks by considering interdependence between different devices

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Web based automated Reports containing key information and freedom to generate complementary studies

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Support for the entire well lifecycle - from project to abandonment

Revolutionize your Well Integrity Management

Contact our Team to know more about our web consulting services and how we can help increase safety and reduce OPEX within your Well Integrity Management Processes.

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How our AI Model reaches more accurate solutions

Key Features and Technologies.

Centralized Data Integration

Data is coupled from other software in use by the Operator as well as live operational conditions obtained from wells in a central database.


Full Well Life Cycle Support

WISDOM’s methodology works from Well Planning, Construction, Production, Intervention and Abandonment stages of a Well.


AI Models trained by Operational Data

Machine Learning models are trained based on historical data thanks to the partnership with Petrobras.


Dynamic Component Updates

The AI model ensures that failure risk models on similar wells are updated on the database whenever failure occurs. Inferences are made for similar completions allowing for increased accuracy and engineering insight. If a component failure occurs, all similar wells now begin accounting for this information.


Modeling failure interdependence

Failure of a safety barrier affects failure risks of other well elements. WISDOM predicts cascade failures or complex failure modes that only happens when the influence of one barrier is considered in the failure rates of another.


Automated Custom Reports

Subject Experts from our team perform complex analyses, with a report being generated. Within this web report, the user can customize the report and perform additional studies and variations.


Case Studies and Key Articles

How improving Well Integrity Management can increase operational efficiency.

The high cost of inaccuracy: Pre-Salt Interventions

The high cost of inaccuracy: Pre-Salt Interventions

The impact of predictive maintenance on minimizing Operational Costs on Interventions.

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Financial Impact on Well Downtime

The impacts of Lost Revenue and how better Management increases operational efficiency.

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Financial Impact on Well Downtime

Avoiding Catastrophes with better Models

How complex AI networks mitigate the risk of catastrophes.

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Avoiding Catastrophes with better Models


How we Contribute

Our AI solution offers you key insights and support for your Well Integrity Management decisions through WISDOM.


Insights and Expertise

Combine AI analytics with technical expertise to achieve high levels of confidence in your Well Integrity Management decisions.


Innovative AI Technology

State of the Art Models that better represent the interactions between safety barrier elements and operational conditions on failure rates.


Custom Web Reports

Quick access to a comprehensive report with relevant information for each well, with freedom to customize studies and perform additional variations.

Our Deliverables

Our team will aid you powered by WISDOM, providing insights in the form of a detailed web based report available anywhere you are.

In this web based report, all the essential information is readily available and standardized, alongside integration options to use in other Softwares.

Custom analyses are then possible by the user within the web report, allowing for variation of operational conditions and other complementary studies.

Different options are available based on the volume of wells to evaluate and number of customizations desired. Contact our team to find out more!


Reliable Insights and Outputs to other Studies

Thanks to the central database structure, all the data is managed safely and efficiently to allow for optimal usability by other engineering applications.


Complementary Analyses

The user is free to perform complementary studies within a user friendly interface within the web report, taking advantage of the AI technology to streamline processes and evaluate other scenarios.

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Rodrigo Dias


« Our technology, unprecedented in the sector, uses integrated data and AI models to predict failures and minimize operational risks, providing greater safety, savings and environmental protection. This scenario of data integration and automated analysis of well integrity makes it possible to achieve an accuracy unthinkable in the predictions made by models before the AI revolution »

« Petrobras has already established itself as a company that invests in relevant technological solutions for the sector, which has made us a world reference. This is the aim of this partnership: to promote improvements in both operations and production and, consequently, in profitability »

Danilo Colombo

Reliability Consultant
Petrobras - CENPES

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